This content has been automatically translated using artificial intelligence. In case of problems, please consult the French version.


TV5MONDE is committed to making its internet sites, intranet, extranet and software packages accessible (as well as its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

To this end, TV5MONDE is working on an action plan to improve the accessibility of its digital offerings.

This accessibility statement applies to .

Compliance status is non-compliant with the Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité (RGAA), version 4, due to the non-conformities listed below.

Test results

Ethic First's compliance audit reveals that 44.44% of RGAA version 4 criteria are met.

Content not accessible


  • Decorative images are not correctly ignored by assistive technologies: identity documents in France, the author can be seen speaking;
  • Some frames have no title: on the Tester son niveau (P03) page and on the TCF série d'entrainement (P21) page;
  • Some information is given only by color: the information on the selected tab should be given in a way other than by color;
  • Some texts contrast poorly with their background: select "view level" "explore" "en", "A1 B1 B2" (in reduced-screen version), orange/white titles, "Adomania, vies de collégiens" tags;
  • Some interface components lack contrast with their background: the "my account" icon link;
  • Pre-recorded temporal media lack text transcriptions: on the Test your level page (P03);
  • Some time-based media cannot be controlled with the keyboard or any other pointing device: the time and volume sliders;
  • Some temporal media are not compatible with assistive technologies: the accessible name of the parameter button is in English;
  • Titles are not associated with tables: on the page Grammar memo with video - Saying the weather (P19) ;
  • Data tables have undeclared headers: on the page Grammar memo with video - Saying the weather (P19) ;
  • Links are not sufficiently explicit: on the Home page (P01), image links contain alternative text;
  • Some links have no heading: the links in "Partners";
  • Interface components are not compatible with assistive technologies: comboboxes at the top of the page, tab systems, carousels..;
  • Some interface components are not accessible via keyboard or other pointing device: tab systems, radio buttons... ;
  • Some pages don't have relevant titles: pages containing pagination, page numbers not indicated in the title;
  • Tags are used for presentation purposes only: textual content is not structured;
  • Changes in reading direction are not indicated: the Arabic word in the footer;
  • Content is not always properly structured with titles: exercise pages have no titles;
  • Document structure is not always consistent: the main content is not structured in an appropriate tag;
  • Some lists are not properly structured: list of links on the Site Map (P02) page;
  • Some links whose nature is not obvious are not sufficiently visible in relation to the surrounding text: On the Authentication page (P26), the "privacy policy" and "terms of use" links;
  • Focus is not always visible;
  • Additional content appearing when a component is hovered over or focused on cannot be controlled by the user: tooltip on the Home page of a series (P10);
  • Additional content appearing via CSS styles only cannot be made visible with the keyboard or any pointing device: tooltip on the Home page of a series (P10) ;
  • Form fields have no label: the search engine has no label;
  • Fields of the same kind are not grouped together: on the Vocabulary - Quiz page (P15), radio buttons are not grouped together;
  • The input control is not used correctly: error messages are not structured, do not include the field name and are not linked;
  • Some fields lack an input deduction to facilitate automatic filling: on the Newsletter Registration page, on the Authentication and Registration page;
  • Not all content grouping zones present on several pages can be reached or avoided: a role is missing on the search engine container;
  • The skip link to the main content is not functional;
  • Tab order is not always consistent: on the Collections page (P04), once the user has been redirected to the desired section with the 3 anchor links, the focus is not positioned on the first focusable element of the section;
  • Navigation contains keyboard traps: on some exercises (P31), the user gets stuck in an infinite loop;
  • The opening of a new window is sometimes triggered without user action: on the TCF Simulator page (P22);
  • The content offered is not viewable regardless of screen orientation (portrait or landscape): on the TCF Accueil page (P20), the last 2 links in "Additional information" are not visible;
  • Functionalities that are usable or available with a complex gesture are not available with a simple gesture: on the Vocabulary home page (P12), carousel in reduced screen mode;

Establishment of this declaration of accessibility

This declaration was drawn up on 21/11/2024.

Technologies used to create the site

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PDF

Test environment

Content rendering checks were carried out on the basis of the combination provided by the RGAA reference database, with the following versions:

  • Firefox version 132.0.2 and NVDA 2022.1;

Accessibility evaluation tools

  • ANDI module(Accessible Name and Description Inspector) ;
  • Colour Contrast Analyser;
  • Web Developer extension;
  • Tools for developers integrated into the Firefox browser;

Site pages checked for compliance

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access a content or service, you can contact the "Learn French with TV5MONDE" manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.

Write a message to TV5MONDE


If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or functions on the site, and you report it to us and are unable to obtain a response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Défenseur des droits.

There are several ways to do this: