Vocabulary / Means of transportation and directions

A1 Breakthrough
How do you travel? By plane, train or car? Learn how to describe your daily commute.
  Les moyens de transports Means of transportation
à pied on foot
aéroport (l'/un/des) airport
aller (au bureau, à droite) to go (to the office, to the right)
avion (l'/un/des) plane
bateau (le) boat
bus (le) bus
gare (la) train station
marcher to walk
métro (le) subway
moto (la) motorcycle
prendre (le métro, la voiture) to take (the subway, the car)
taxi (le) cab
train (le) train
tram (le) - tramway (le) tram
vélo (le) bike
voiture (la) car
  Les directions Directions
à droite to the right
à gauche to the left
en face in front
tout droit straight ahead

Practical exercises

vue Pays Bas, vélos et bateaux

Vocabulary: means of transportation and directions

4 exercises
Look • Vocabulary (everyday life / transportation)