Vocabulary / At the chemist’s

A1 Breakthrough
“Un médicament”, “du sirop”, “avoir de la fièvre”... learn useful vocabulary for when you are sick and need to go to the chemist’s.
antibiotique (l'/un/des) antibiotic
aspirine (l'/une/des) aspirin
comprimé (le) tablet
fièvre (la) fever
médicament (le) medication
mutuelle (la) complementary health insurance
ordonnance (l'/une/des) prescription
pharmacie (la) chemist’s
pilule (la) pill
prendre (de l'aspirine) to take (aspirin)
rembourser (un médicament) to reimburse (a medication)
sirop (le) syrup
vaccin (le) vaccine

Practical exercises

Médicaments à la pharmacie

Vocabulary: at the chemist's

4 exercises
Look • Read • Vocabulary (health / medical treatments)