"Family", "food" or "body parts": to learn new words and expressions from everyday life, read or listen to these thematic lists.
antibiotique (l'/un/des) | antibiotic | |
aspirine (l'/une/des) | aspirin | |
comprimé (le) | tablet | |
fièvre (la) | fever | |
médicament (le) | medication | |
mutuelle (la) | complementary health insurance | |
ordonnance (l'/une/des) | prescription | |
pharmacie (la) | chemist’s | |
pilule (la) | pill | |
prendre (de l'aspirine) | to take (aspirin) | |
rembourser (un médicament) | to reimburse (a medication) | |
sirop (le) | syrup | |
vaccin (le) | vaccine |