Vocabulary / In the bathroom

A1 Breakthrough
In the bathroom, you can find: the toothbrush, the comb, the towel and many other objects. Let’s revise together!
bain (le) - prendre un bain bath - to take a bath
brosse à dents (la) toothbrush
brosse (à cheveux) (la) (hair)brush
brosser les dents (se) to brush one’s teeth
coiffer (se) to brush oneself
dentifrice (le) toothpaste
douche (la) - prendre une douche - se doucher shower - to take a shower - to shower
habiller (s') to get dressed
laver (se) - se laver les mains to wash - to wash one’s hands
propre / être propre clean / to be clean
Audio file
raser (se) to shave oneself
sale / être sale dirty / to be dirty
savon (le) - se savonner soap - to wash with soap
serviette (la) towel
shampooing (le) shampoo
toilettes (les) - WC (les) toilets - WC

Practical exercises

salle de bain - hygiène

Vocabulary: In the bathroom

4 exercises
Look • Vocabulary (health / hygiene)