The French "h" is a silent letter that is not pronounced. However, in the beginning of the word (
handicap) and in a word like "dehors,"
"Tahiti," "Sahara," the "h" allows or prevents the combination of the consonant and vowel to form a syllable.
The "h" that allows the consonant-vowel combination is called the "silent h" and the "h" that prevents this is called the "aspirated h."
The "silent h" is not pronounced and allows elisions, liaisons and catenation.
The silent "h"
Catenation (linking vowels from word to word)
Un_homme, des_hommes
L'horrible accident
C'est très_humain
Quel_horrible accident !
Je m'habille.
Ils habitent au Vietnam.
Il hésite à aller aux urgences.
The aspirated "h"
No elision
No liaison
No catenation
La // hauteur
Les // héros
Le handicapé
C'est le // huitième étage.
Les // hautes études
Une // haute fonction
Je // hurle.
Ils // hurlent.
Il // harcèle.
There is no rule to distinguish words that have an "aspirated h" from words that have a "silent h." The only explanation comes from etymology. The "silent h" comes from Latin and is often found in languages of Latin origin. The "aspirated h" comes from words borrowed from other languages like English (le hall), Frankish (le haricot), Arab (le hasard) and Dutch (le hareng)...
The most frequent words
The silent "h"
The aspirated "h"
Masculine nouns
Un habitant, un hiver, un homme,
un hôpital, un horaire, un hôtel
Le Hollandais, le Hongrois, le haricot,
le hasard, le huit, le héros, le handicapé
Feminine nouns
Une habitante, une habitude, une heure
une histoire, l'humidité, l'hygiène
La Hollandaise, la Hongroise, la hanche
la hauteur, la handicapée, la hi-fi,la honte
Horrible, humain
Le huitième (étage)
Habiller, habiter, hésiter
Harceler, hurler